Posts Tagged ‘CMC’

A Picture Tells 90,000+ Stories


For a few months now we have gone through every emotion possible. From fear to anger to sadness and uncertainty.  We’ve also felt happiness, witnessed triumphs and seen the best of people who donated their time, their money or their expertise.

Yesterday I was struck with all of those emotions after seeing one picture.  Amy Coveno of WMUR-TV shared a story of a Manchester family who lost their father from COVID-19.  The picture is of two CMC nurses posting two signs in a window. One read, “He is at Peace” and the other sign read, “We Are Sorry”.   

This picture has now gone viral.  Why?  More than 90,000 Americans have lost their lives to this pandemic and this one picture summarized all of their stories.  The compassion shown by these two CMC nurses who sat by their patient’s side as he took his last breath is both heartbreaking and heroically commendable.  I deeply appreciate all of the first responders and medical professionals who are risking their own lives everyday to try and save a life or comfort a patient in their last moments.  I can’t thank you all enough.  And to the two CMC nurses, know how you have shared your love and compassion with more than one family; you’ve touched us all.

I am proud today and each day to say that CMC is my client.  But today, those CMC nurses are more than a client, they are a symbol of humanity, courage and strength during these difficult times. To the Johnson family and the 90,000 + families in America and the 320,000+ families world-wide who lost a loved one to COVID-19, I am sorry for your loss and I pray your loved one received the kind of compassion our two CMC nurses gave when they were needed the most.