Posts Tagged ‘PR’

This is What We Do

As quoted by Louis Paseur, “Fortune favors the prepared mind.”  In August, Governor Chris Sununu joined PROCON President & CEO Mark Stebbins and Kane Company President Michael Kane to cut the ribbon on a “seacoast medical hub” which will host medical training through Portsmouth Regional Hospital.  This uniquely team effort featured the vision and creativity of the Kane Company and PROCON, whose leaders lent their best and brightest architects and builders to create a building that features the newest in medical training technology along with the creature comforts necessary for a high quality academic facility.  This was a remarkable team effort involving PROCON project managers, hospital staff and community leaders who are thrilled to have this facility in their backyard. The Spradling Group assisted in helping prepare for this historic ribbon-cutting.  COVID required a different approach, but the event was well covered by local media and celebrated by many on New Hampshire’s seacoast.  This is what we do.

Click HERE for Media Release – Governor Joins Portmouth Regional Hospital to Launch Medical Training Hub