Posts Tagged ‘video talent’

Whatever You Need

Working in Public and Media Relations means you help your client with whatever they need. Sometimes those needs include being in front of the camera.  Not long ago, I participated in three projects slightly different than a typical work day.

For a number of years I have helped the NH Fire Standards and Training with their E-Learning videos and recently helped with an update video on new protocols.

Covide-19 has forced many to reinvent the way they conduct business, raise funds or gather socially.  The amazing non-profit group Girls at Work is no different. Fundraising is a lifeline to any non-profit and this Manchester, NH based organization knew they couldn’t skip this year’s annual fundraiser.  It was my fifth year emceeing the Diva Comedy Night, but this year it was done virtually.

Covid-19 has also affected our broadcasters.  As Executive Director of the New Hampshire Association of Broadcasters I have watched our dedicated local radio and tv stations work day and night to continue sharing  important and sometimes life saving information to our communities during this pandemic.  They’ve worked tirelessly.  Each year, we host the Granite Mike Awards to celebrate all of the broadcaster’s hard work but this year, we had to do it differently to keep everyone safe.

Here are a few clips of those recent productions: