469 Days and Back to Full Capacity

June 4th, 2021

469 days ago, Governor Chris Sununu announced a stay-at-home order for all of New Hampshire, warning all of us to brace and prepare for an unpredictable time in our history and our collective public health.
62 weeks ago, our separation began.  It required discipline and patience.  We focused on staying healthy and keeping our livelihoods.  We adjusted to zoom meetings and to feel disconnected.  We were tested unlike ever before.
Now, that patience and perseverance (along with a WHOLE BUNCH of vaccinations in our region) have paid off.  We are opening up again.  We are stepping back outside and reconnecting in ways we took for granted not too long ago.
It feels like forever, but the finish line, or maybe the starting line, is finally here.  At New Hampshire Motor Speedway, GM David McGrath, Governor Chris Sununu, and BEA Commissioner Taylor Caswell gathered to mark the official start to the summer racing season.  We are (choose your favorite racing cliche here) full throttle, pedal to the medal, green flag racing, revving up our economic engines… we are OPEN.
Full capacity.  Full schedule.  We are back to business.  We couldn’t have done it without the partnership and spirit of kinship with the Governor and the state’s leaders.  And we couldn’t have done it without our fans, who came out mid-pandemic for a 2020 summer race that was a life preserver of sorts, but a restricted access event that just felt different even as it felt good.
This summer… we go from asking people to make decisions based on the love of their families’ health to making decisions based on the health and well-being of their favorite activities, events, places, and things to do.  All that pent-up energy, all those nights wishing it was over, all that time waiting… is over.
NHMS is back, and we’d love it if you came to visit!99

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